i'm just gonna start, like, making posts about, like, what i'm thinking about and y'all tell me what y'all's opinion on it is, alright? cuz, i'm a person, alright? i don't really- i'm gonna get to the point, by the way i don't really lie a lot like, i don't normally lie, i'm a very honest, upright kinda person like, i really do not lie i'll joke i'll joke, but i won't lie i won't say something that's not true um, even when i'm joking, sometimes i'm just honest, bro like, even my jokes are brutal, okay? cuz, i may not be joking but they may come off as that um, but like, i don't think people, like, tend to realize this i'll say something, but i'll change my mind later that doesn't mean i'm lying about it it just means i change my mind like, let me give you an example of what i'm talking about so, you know, i could come up to you and i could be like you're the best motherfucking person in the world i absolutely love you but then you fuck me over, rob me, put me in a deathly-ass situation and then, you know, after that i might just change my fucking mind, right? i might be like, you're the worst, i fucking hate you with all my gut and if i had the option to brutally beat you with a rock, i would so, it's not that i was lying at that moment it's just, i changed my fucking mind you know, if i say something like, i really wanna join the military and then figures out, when i get older, that i fucking lied because i don't wanna join the military because i don't fucking like my country, right? you know, see where i'm going with this? i didn't lie, i thought it was a good idea and then i realized how awful this country was and how i just did not want to support it, you know what i mean?