Hey guys, happy Thursday. It's almost Fri-yay-yay. Um, and also it's, um, that time of the month where some of y'all is getting a check, so also congratulations for that. Um, so something that's been on my mind is being the bigger person overrated. Because, you know, sometimes I think, you know, I gotta let the person know what time it is, right? I gotta be a little petty. I gotta let them know that kindness is a choice. But another part of me is like, that's so heavy, right? Carrying that all around. And what did they say about revenge? Um, if you're gonna build a grave, um, make sure you build two of them. As a dish, best served cold. Um, and pettiness and back and forth and that like bar for bar stuff feels very hot. Yeah? So let me know what you think.