Broken Record Tell Me About: a time when you waited for someone for so long you could see yourself ending up like this guy here?
Tu bizcochito Sharing is caring 💝🌬️Opening space for love; awareness & playfulness🤗 #MoD I honor myself. There’s time for everything, even not doing anything✨ #DoseOfTurmeric 🌺 ❓How’s January ending for you?
Tu bizcochito Sharing is caring 💝🌬️How do you want to feel today and how are you willing to back it up? !?️Opening space for Resilience; Patience; Perseverance and Joy✨ #MoD I AM strong 💘 #DoseOfTurmeric
MarsTheBlack Calling all Gamers on Stereo! Come hang out at the Stereo Arcade! We'll be playing Overwatch this week. Hope to see you there! #STEREOARCADE #MarsTheBlack