Jose Da'Hype Comment with the snake emoji if you're afraid of snakes. #JoseDaHype #TheGoldenMicAwards #Snakes #TheContentAuditor
Bunny Jay Yall need to hit this link and check out the best press on nails 💅🏾💅🏾They are so creative and unique ❤️❤️ its so many shapes and sizes you can pick from plus the affordable 💅🏾 @kissmygrits #bunnyjay
Sѻɴɢ𓅇Drꫀᴀᴍᴇʀ All the signs are crazy but which one is the WORST?!? (Lemme kno) 👀 #songdreamer #crazy #zodiacsigns #letthemeatcake
Bunny Jay This my song 😂 they ain’t have to Drake like this 😂😂 its the lip flick for me 😂😂😂 #bunnyjay
Sƈσƚƚყ The Grits Debate🤬- Are you constantly bullied because you put sugar on your grits? Well I am 😭 lets put and end to this 1009 year old debate. #SweetOrSavory #BattleRoyale #Stereo #QueensOfStereo