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Hanan Tiller
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Hello Jones the Baptist here a third time. Tawheed is the absolute oneness of God only one creator no partners with God anything like that that's that's you know the foundational beliefs of Muslims. Now this does not make sense because they say Allah is absolutely one but then he has 99 attributes. Absolutely one God with 99 attributes that doesn't make sense but one of his attributes Allah's attributes is merciful the most merciful. Now that that doesn't make sense because there's somebody else in the Quran called most merciful and it's actually Muhammad and Yusuf Ali 9 chapter 9 verse 128 now have come unto you a messenger from amongst yourselves it grieves him that ye should perish adherently anxious is he over you to the believers is he most kind and merciful so the only attribute that's described of Allah is most merciful but then he calls his prophet the most merciful that's not Tawheed folks
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Okay, so I'm not sure what Tawheed means, but I'm gathering from another guy's response that it has something to do with an argument against the triune God of Christianity that we believe in. I'm a Christian, and I'd like to just start off by stating that that idea doesn't make sense in Islam for them to think that God can't be a triune being with different parts to himself. I'm gonna explain it, Bartu.
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because Muslims especially very known and renowned Muslims hold the belief that we ourselves are beings that have souls and Have bodies, right? If I am a soul and a body does that mean that I'm two separate personalities that are two separate beings? No, that means I have a soul and I have a body. I am a soul and I am a body
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This is very evident when in Genesis, when God said he was making mankind number one, he says, let's make mankind in our own image, acknowledging himself as a divine being, because our, by the way, I know in in Aramaic as well is meant to define royalty in high presence. Ironic that the highest royalty and high presence just so happens to be a triune God and he refers himself as we. Hey, come on.
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But yeah, he says, let us make mankind in our own image. The angels had no participation in the making of human beings. But guess what? He said in a later verse, when he's making Adam, he took the dust of the ground, made the body, breathed into his nose the breath of life, and man became a living soul. Meaning that he not only had a soul, he was that soul. He was a soul being.
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The same is clearly seen for Jesus. Jesus, as we ourselves, our body is obedient to our will. Our will has a lot to do with our soul. Jesus Christ himself was obedient to the Father in heaven, which is what I would refer to as Yahweh, or the soul of God, right? Like how I have a soul, I have a will. God has a soul and he has a will. He is the soul, he is the will. So, it's basic understanding.
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So by this logic and being that Muslims do believe that people have souls, it shouldn't be unreasonable to state that God is triune. He is a body, he is a soul, and he is a spirit. That body was risen from the dead, left this earth, and left behind the Holy Spirit as a connection birthed between man and God in direct connection through influence and prayer.
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What I said has no correlation to what you just said. I in no way did I say that God is not unique. What I said is he is the original, which makes him unique in that respect. There is no being like him. He is infinite in power and domain. That has no correlation to what I just said. He is obviously unique, a being off to himself. He's way more special than we are because our souls don't have infinite potential. His does.
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No, because infinite potential means there's room for growth. God himself does not have room for growth. So the term would more likely be along the lines of infinite power, period. We don't have infinite power. We are dependent on him. We are dependent on everything around us. Jesus, for a time, was. But his soul was not dependent on anything. If you think about it, the soul of Jesus is Yahweh. The one who ascended on the mountain before Moses. So if that's the case...
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then that would mean that God, at this point since the body is in heaven, that would mean that God is completely self-dependent in the Christian view and all-around unique because nothing else is self-dependent. The angels aren't even self-dependent, they depend on the fact that God created them.
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And yes, the opposite of unique is polytheism. That makes sense. But the only thing is, I don't worship multiple gods. And if you're referring to me, myself, being a human being, made in God's image, no, I do not worship myself. I do not exalt myself. You gotta think these things through before you say them.
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Attributes is the wrong word it's more names along his 99 names and just because one of the names is the most merciful and save the Mohamed gets called merciful in the car on doesn't mean that Mohammed is the most merciful and specifically says merciful to the believers the people that believe in a loss for her to wear Attalla and one Mohammad the saying about
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