So the word indulgent has been thrown around a lot in reviews about Asteroid City and of course I am a huge Wes Anderson fan, Moonrise Kingdom being my favorite film. So Asteroid City, indulgent. And all I can say to that is, is Jordan Peele indulgent because he meticulously lays Easter eggs all over his films and weaves them together perfectly. There was a review in the Guardian by Mark Kermode who I often like don't agree with and he was, he said the Andersonian and I thought why don't you just stop there bro because if you can coin a film as Andersonian and everybody pays homage and tries to copy you then you're on to something. Anyway, huge fan and go Wes, be as indulgent as you want. This organized, sorted, perfection of framing in the face of unexpected uncertainty is exactly the purest expression of this and I think the purest expression of all Anderson films. In using his juxtaposition to the theme, the theater within a theater, life is but a play. Yes? Anyway, do see it. It's gorgeous. I loved it. I think Scar Jo is back. That's Scarlett Johansson for you normies. And yeah, I mean, oh my god, everybody, right? I won't even, the list is there. You can read half of their names in my picture. Enjoy yourself. Oh and of course this one is written with Roman Coppola who is back with him and the screenplay was then written by Wes. Anyway, Wessie fans unite. Take care and I'll see you around.