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Jaylin Thompson
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I need to know the answer to what your biggest fear is right now. Because do you want to know what mine is? Let me think on this for a second because I kind of just wrote the question without thinking about it. Um, okay, let's see. Okay, so one of my biggest fears is having the window down when I'm in the car because I feel like I'm gonna fly out of it. I don't know, something about the wind. And just like, like, gripping onto everything I don't want to die. Most of the like, freedom mannequins. Cause why in the world is there a human shaped plaster thingy in the store with me right now? I don't care if I get to see how these clothes look on me. Plus the clothes, like, never mind. Okay, never mind. Ah, it was your biggest fear.
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Biggest fears, probably getting shot, because when I was younger I watched my uncle get shot down, because he was a seduction with some other people.
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It's pretty valid to be scared of. If my uncle got shot, I would be really scared of getting shot. Like really scared of getting shot. I'm sorry. I actually really feel bad. Wow, wow, wow. Oh, sorry, sorry. You can't do that with all me. I'm sorry.
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