Maktoob Climate change is a fake issue created by the elites to tax everything you do and distract you from their weather modification crimes. Thoughts?Seguir00CompartirCopiar enlace del post
Maktoob And even specifics about the ships equipment and size.Later Robertson would be called CLAIRVOYANT which he denied. 3/3 (MUST READ) Thoughts?
Maktoob which crashes into an iceberg in April and has a massive loss of life b due to a shortage of lifeboats. The book was eerily similar to the Titanic, down the name, the month on which thr ship sank, 2/3
Maktoob There are no coincidences.. A book predicted the Titanic Disaster 14 years earlier.In 1898, a book was written by Morgan Robertson called ‘The Wreck of the titan’, #unseen 1/3
Maktoob All They have to say is “A NEW STUDY SHOWS”..........EVERYTHING IS FINE and the sheeple swallow it whole every time!! #Thoughts?
Maktoob Yes, the government can use your phone, your computer, and potentially even your television to spy on what you are doing inside your own home. Thoughts?
Maktoob Zuckerberg admitted under oath that Facebook DOES have the ability to coordinate censorship with Twitter and Google, and a Facebook whistleblower even explained how they do it.Thoughts?
Maktoob The New World Order is an expression that's been used by Freemasonry since the days of Weishaupt to signify the coming one world government. Thoughts?
Maktoob Remember when 400 private jets fly to Egypt for the UN Climate Conference to tell the peasants to ride bikes, eat bugs and live in tents! Thoughts?
Maktoob #AFTERSCHOOLSATANCLUB is now gaining popularity in USA, and now looking to move into high schools the #templeofsatan is sponsoring all of these events. THOUGHTS??