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Layla Jasmine
Zennessy 408d
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Marsh 407d
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Oh so is it gone lives on my road looks like 23 doors down from the movie she's fucking hot like differently that's not a problem the problem is another name I've tried searching for an Instagram account for anything obviously Chiles my fucking on my road I'll have mutual friends bro nothing there's nothing and I can't go and knock on the door but I'm poor I need a girl man what do I do what do I do What the fuck can I do
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Bro, I was you I would just wait until she like goes on like a jog or like a run in our poacher, you know, I said like you can't like knock on her door or some shit You gotta wait till she come outside and like go on like a run or jog or something our approach her You know I was like I have a conversation with her. You know I'm saying I was chopping up with her No, I said it's going good. Hey, you like she probably I'm teaching my kids, you know what I'm saying?
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That's exactly what I said you can't just gonna fucking knock on her door like as if you like a rapist or something you've Gotta like you know you Gotta wait for her to come out I'm just like fucking start to a window
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Bella go to her and asking if you don't wanna do that ask somebody might know her cause I definitely don't know her Instagram mama Miranda
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I got the perfect scenario, like wait until she comes outside, right? And then walk on the opposite side of the street and bump into her and then start a conversation. I'm telling you that's the best way.
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