Okay, so this is gonna be a really random thought for tonight. So get on the wave. So as you know I'm British as you can tell by my fucking accent. Yeah, you're welcome. In America you guys have tuna sandwiches in Soda Wee in England. Now I've always wondered why tuna sandwiches just taste so different to me out here. And I just could not pinpoint what was wrong with it. and I had an epiphany tonight and realized in America you guys make your tuna sandwiches with mayo, mustard, you know, and a bunch of different spices. And in England you make your tuna sandwiches with sweet corn. That's right, you mix sweet corn and tuna together and it's, oh my god, it's in America. bomb as fuck. No, it's really, really good. And now tomorrow I am literally waking up and making myself a tuna and sweet corn sandwich. Nostalgia is real. What are your weird food converse.