I think the tip essentially would absolutely be trying to work much more efficiently. I.e. still working hard but really trying to work smart at the same time because when you really think about it, a lot of the tasks that we procrastinate etc. can really be done in like a fraction of the time then what we tend to set out, then what we allocate it for, right? So I feel like trying to maximize your efficiency and being like, okay, the times I'm working, this is straight work, and I'm where I'm resting, this is straight rest. And I think that comes over time with establishing boundaries between your work and your rest. Yeah, so my fourth tip would absolutely be to also incorporate social interactions within your day, I think when you're working hard, especially like if you do work where you tend to be isolated or you tend to work really independently, I think having the times where you get social interaction in is so so healthy for just allowing your brain to switch off even if it's just for a second and then resuming back to work. But yeah those are my tips so let me know if you have any other work-life balance tips because I would love to incorporate them.