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Hi guys, it's Dreamy here with another interesting relationship question for you lovebirds out there. So I knew a couple who always would fight over the littlest random things that didn't even matter, like how eggs were cooked with too much oil or how a sandwich was cut in half and just little things they would bitter about that didn't even make any sense. So I have an interesting question for you. Do you think that fighting in a relationship is healthy or do you think it should be avoided? In my opinion, I think it is normal and it's a sign of a healthy relationship. It's good to communicate with your partner, you know, and it's always good to get to the root and fix things together, express and communicate to each other. I think by avoiding, avoiding the communication and the talk can be destructive over time. So make sure you do talk it out and have an understanding.
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No, fight, fight. We always fight with people we love. It's normal.
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Every relationship has arguments now the way you handle it and all that you know you can grow from it but if you argue every day all day and that's just like all you do that's toxic and that's not healthy at all
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Fighting should not exist in relationships and people are always going to say, well, everyone fights in a relationship. No, you don't. When you like the person, you find ways to communicate. You don't argue and go back and forth. You communicate. And you're friendly to them, you're nice, you're kind.
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So I feel like fighting in a relationship can be a good thing as long as that fight is more like a discussion. If you're actually arguing and screaming and yelling going back and forth, obviously that's not good. But I feel like most of the time a fight is just a test to see how how well you communicate and compromise. So it can be a good thing.
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I think it's healthy no relationship even if this romantic is just sunshine and rainbows you fight with your parents if I with siblings if you have them if I with your friends so yeah I think fighting is healthy and is how you get over it which helps make the relationship stronger
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I'm in my opinion as long as you're not fighting like cars like consistently oh I don't think it should be a light issue like I think a fight every now and then or are you guys going to the argument I say is I say it out the auto think you should be avoiding every single fight because then now you don't know how to address your problems you have with that person or may turn into a whole Nother issue
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Arm it actually depends on what type of fighting that you're talking about but if you're talking about physical fighting then yes that definitely is not good or healthy and a relationship but if it's a small little argument I mean you're not gonna be your not gonna always be on the same page so there's something where he does not a shouting match and you guys just dumb dumb do you know if you guys just don't agree to disagree then I think it's fine is it but again it just depends on how much
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I think there's ways to fight healthy. You know, at the end of the day, you have someone has to be the bigger person, or it's just gonna continue to have a snowball effect. But fighting in a relationship is normal because you're not always gonna agree with the other person and then you're gonna have good days and bad days. but there's ways that you can communicate and fight with each other.
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Of course not it's not healthy proper communication is key
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