Do you ever feel like your days are on repeat? Or, and do you think there's like something wrong with that? I feel like, like as a stay-at-home mom, at least in my case as a stay-at-home mom, every day feels like so much the same. So, and I feel like my kids just get bored. So they start acting crazy. And the only way I can like resolve that is like trying to find something new every day. whether it be like going to get food or like going to get coffee at a different time or going to the park for an hour or so or just trying to find new parks to enjoy. Like I try to find something lately at least every day to every other day just to like cut down on the boredom for my kiddos um and create maybe a little less chaotic at least in my head. I think it's going to be be less chaotic, but it usually doesn't end up that way. But we still try to do something fun every day.