Yo, this is a real topic right here. It seemed like moms always get the easy role. Like, well, not the easy role. I don't want that to come up the wrong way. Like, moms always get, for example, let's say, in a custody battle. They just assume that the kid should go with the mom. You know what I mean? It seemed like moms just always got sort of like a handout. The dads don't ever really get no love. And I feel like that's kind of crazy. Like, unless y'all in a relationship, the dad's the only way the dad get love. But when it's like a single mom versus a single dad, they got so many programs out here, so much assistance for the single moms. But the dad just supposed to automatically just get up and get it. Like, he don't need no assistance here, man. That just seemed a little weird to me, man. I'll try to take one there though.