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Sex and gender. Do these things mean the same thing? Do they mean different things? Who knows the answer? I do, and I'm gonna tell you right now. Basically, sex is biological. It's your chromosomes, it's your genitals, it's your gonads, it's your hormones, it's the chemicals in your body. There's two sexes, male and female, and that's biology. Gender, however, is a social construct. We made that shit up. It's blues for boys, pink is for girls. It's set gender norms that are imposed on you from birth. It's completely arbitrary. It's set roles that you're expected to live up to and follow for the rest of your life by societal standards. And it's completely arbitrary. It doesn't objectively exist in nature. It's something that we invented we made up and we pretend is real So because of that Who's to say that we can't make more genders? Transgender, you know gender fluid non-binary demigirl demiboy a lot of people overlook these genders and Label them as fake not real made up, but you know what so is boy and girl those are made up, too too. So there's no reason to discriminate against people who are not cisgendered.
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I identify as a firetrip.
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Yeah I mean I get that but like you can also say race is a social construct in time and so many other things are also social constructs the reason gender is a social contract because women and men choose to do
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I guess my question would be how do we make up the social construct that you know women do this in men do that because it probably is a reason I don't think we just made it up for no reason there's definitely reasons why that was probably done
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Yes you are absolutely right all social constructs are made up for a reason race is a social construct gender you could even say that sex is a social construct because technically there's a white spectrum whatever the reason we made up gender in the first place was to help us survive it was easier to box people into little boxes of what to do and what not to do in society because we only did it that way was easier and you know it helped to survive and when we were fucking Neanderthals and caveman and Bubba Papa
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But nowadays it's not really like that anymore you know girls like pink boys like blue like what what what is this how does this help us survive it doesn't and it hurts a lot of people actually which is why people bring up it's irrelevant you know I feel like nowadays it does a lot more harm than good and so you know the best way to ameliorate that harm is to make it a factor of identification
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I just, I don't care anymore, um, honestly, but, um, you know, I guess I'll just have my opinions and you have your own. I don't think it's necessarily, like, harmful, you know, I just think people sometimes are just really confused, and there's just a lot of things I could get into, but I'm good for now.
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but like thanks for responding anyways i don't know why i'm using the high-pitched voice thing but yeah but yeah thanks for the response though
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Sex and gender are exactly the same. This nuance movement of trying to say that they're different is a a complete manipulation on the part of academia to basically pervert our society into believing something that's not true.
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Leg end
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I don't think this is correct, the idea that gender is exactly the same thing. And I'll give you an example of a non-biological entity that possesses these types of names like he and him. God, for example. God is an entity who has no biology, yet we call him, him and he, right? He's a father, who's also a, that is also a gender term. So why not, why can't we apply this to other senses like transgenderism about, about, uh,
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I don't think you really know that much about um probably just assuming you don't really know much about like the bible or god or anything but god does have a gender i mean he's called the father what are fathers usually they're usually men right and also god created men first in his image well then that makes him a man right um it's pretty clear in the bible that he's he's a man
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So I agree with you that it's OK to call God man he him but it's because he doesn't have a biology right God doesn't have a biology go doesn't have a chromosome Scott doesn't have a penis God doesn't have any of those things right got them about the father specifically to talk about the sun So with this regard in mind in my last comment I was talking about people who attribute sex and gender do the same thing now if you think that God can be man here without biology kudos I agree
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You should be playing the music for the ridiculous pronouns in your bio bro
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Alright you can't like go back on yourself my man boy and girl made up your sex is a thing so boring girls made up there's no such thing as sex because clearly boy and girls made up right so there is no such thing as having a sex right now boy girls not me a boy and girl like a default Exist in a wife who is some of a dick a girl is all that doesn't have a dick right
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The company is not something that made of Identified by the genetic code How many kroner Tomato
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XXX Do you have us XX
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Bro, I'm gonna be for real with you. I have my volume set all the way up and I still can't hear a goddamn finger saying Like no cap no cap. I'm not even like trying to like bullshit you. I genuinely can't hear what you're fucking saying Why'd you leave three responses? is you're like having a debate with yourself.
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What do you think? Can you hear a single thing you sing? No, that's what I'm saying.
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Personally bro I'm gonna lie I'm in and I didn't know she had was unsure blood I turn my volume possible I can hear us of us I don't know maybe you're my phone got your headphones called is not that good
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Man, alright then, I see, I see.
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Yeah yeah do whatever you want the fun do whatever you wanna do but it cut things off put things on your customizable why not you know I don't really mind I just don't go after the children I mean trans kids I didn't sit right with me especially didn't even like those like drag queen things related like they perform for children in schools that's just No no no
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So like what do you mean by coming after kids? Help me out here. Is creating a safe welcoming environment for children coming after children? Because trans kids do exist whether or not you want to believe it. Also I don't know why you brought drag queens into this because drag queens more often than not are cisgender men. They're performers, they're dancers, they're lip-sinkers who perform with their drag queen personas. It's all just theater, it's just entertainment, It's not anything more than that.
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Answer this for me can children vote people for Congress can children voting for president no they can't because their children adults make those decisions so what makes you think that children can make such life altering decisions at such a young age before the brains develop You have to let them grow naturally and make those choices when they mature enough
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And to write drag queen wasn't really brought up before but it might as well be dumb because there was a lot it's just been passed in Tennessee that raccoons cannot perform in front of children or anybody under the age of 18 why would I need to be best like that if it wasn't such a high rate of performance has been brought up on children in schools and parents taking the children titties performances it's not the children making these decisions it's the parents
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It's almost as if some kids are being conditioned to think this way that because you're not comfortable with your body Then you could just carve yourself cut things off put things on and now you're perfect But when you're an adult you'll think differently than you did before you'll regret the decision that you made and as a high amount Of people that regret the decision they made 82% of transgenres have considered suicide 40% have attempted.
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And some children when they grow up they're gonna regret that decision. They're gonna look back and realize that it was never even their decision to make it the first place. That they were used as a symbol saying hey this is okay us children could do it so can you. Children are being used as a symbol so the weather is going to do it too. and look at the end up.
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Okay, dude, there's like 10,000 things wrong with everything you just said, but I'm gonna get to the main point. That thing you said about carving up your body and like putting this here and that there, gender reassignment surgery is not a prerequisite to be trans. You can quite literally just proclaim yourself to be as trans and dress and act a certain way and you are trans. That is it. you do not need to get gender reassignment surgery that is not required, that is not a prerequisite.
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Also, like I'm not even sure why you're bringing up gender reassignment surgery to begin with when talking about transgender children because there is not a doctor in this country that would dare to perform gender reassignment surgery on a minor. You are not going to find a surgeon that is going to agree to that. This is an adult issue. There is no one pushing for children to get reassignment surgery. There is hormone therapy, but that is not surgery.
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Also, like, you're almost there, bro. You're almost there to understanding how horrible this situation is, okay? You heard statistics like that, like 80-something percent of transgender people consider suicide and 40 percent attempt it. That is not because they regretted transitioning. That's because of how horribly they're treated in this country. All the legislation passed against their very existence. Transgender does not mean you went through bottom surgery. That is not required. That is not a prerequisite.
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Dude, hormone therapy is literally just as bad and just as irreversible as well as it can cause a loss in fertility when it comes to women and other effects like that. Also what I mean children, I do mean people under the age of 18, minors. In Alabama, they signed a bill that transgender minors cannot receive gender-affirming care such as puberty blockers, hormone therapy and surgical intervention. Hmm
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No when you say legislation against the very existence are you talking about no transgender women all alone in the women's bathrooms that's against existence I know I might be wrong Doug asking this but you would think that a guy dressed as a woman and remember doesn't have to get surgery like you said and he gets to go into the woman's bathroom with his dick out You would think that I'd be wrong I'll be wrong
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