Mistakes make us human and I always tell people it's very important to learn the lessons that come across you in your lifetime. And definitely relationship mistakes are high up there. I feel like no one's perfect right, but like we all need to acknowledge what we can change and do better for ourselves and those around us. So I want to know what's a relationship mistake you've made. I have made the mistake in the past with someone involved in my life. At the time I would let him walk all over me, control me in terms of what I could say, do where you get the idea. And just, it was not the healthiest thing ever. It was really toxic and I realized it was never love. It was a power struggle. That's really what it came down to. I'm so glad I, you know, realized I deserved better and walked out. But I want to know what's a relationship mistake you've made and how did you learn from it?