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I'm definitely a not give up kind of person. I'm always kind of been that way. Maybe it's because I struggled growing up with a lot of different things, so that's probably why I just am a fighter now.
I wouldn't say I would give up. It just I like Just cuz I don't do it doesn't mean I give up It just I like it's gonna take me a while to actually try again cuz I'm lazy easy.
Yeah, I'm gonna be completely honest and say I give up all the time bruh You gave me anything to do if it's too hard I give up if it's easy I'm gonna try But I must give up if it's hard.
Bruh I found a lie if I'm playing a game and I get frustrated and I keep dying I'm gonna give up by heart really get mad like throwing everything I'm giving up like I'll be like OK I'll come back
I think it depends on the situation. If the person isn't doing anything then why should I care? but if they're trying then no I wouldn't give up on them.
This is real talk and I'm very honest with you guys I'm challenging myself in life and I know it's not worth it but it is to me to becoming a man so I will never give up even if the challenge is hard in life to keep me
I will never give up because I will make a promise to anything in life and to become a man that's all that matters so my answer is never give up that's it because if you give up then you're weak and you're never calling yourself a man or an adult