So we have now reached the point in toddlerhood where my daughter will not sit in her car seat. So every time we try and get her in her car seat she will kick, scream, flail. She also will stiffen up her entire body so we can't get her to bend at all. So when my son used to do this, our oldest, I would just tickle him and he would sit down. Well, my daughter will not do that. you tickle her she gets madder and she will grab at your face or she'll like try and **** your hands like she's ruthless. So the only thing I've been able to find so far that will work is giving her a pack of gummies like candy gummies or like some type of candy but I don't feel like that's setting her up good for the future with having to bribe her to sit in her car seat. So if you struggled with this issue with your toddlers, what worked for you? Give me all the tips and tricks because like I guess I could like I just don't want to go to giving her candy every time I need to leave the house, but give me all the tips. I'm desperate.