e-girls like I know this is oh my god it's gonna sound like this is all I'm gonna talk about I'm a normal fucking person but seriously I'm so fucking tired of e-girls ruining like the fucking name of actual Goths like cuz everyone's like oh I want a goth girlfriend but like they really just want a fucking watered down Billie Eilish loving fucking normie like I'm sorry name one actually goth band and you won't, like, I'm sorry, deftones are not goth. They're fucking like emo at best if you wanna get anywhere close to fucking goth. Like, shut the fuck up and come to me whenever you like, listen to Bow House or just the most basic shit. Like seriously, shut the fuck up, you are not goth. Yeah. Go fucking kill yourself if you say you're goth, but you're just a fucking e-girl, seriously.