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OK what gives you the echo about man and let me start this by saying there are so many things that give me the egg that I'm literally questioning my sexuality at this point but one thing that gives me the egg is if they are obsessed with feet and I'm talking like a fetish and it's like I don't get it I don't wanna see any man's toes unless like we're being intimate totally different but like I don't want to see your toes in any kind of Teva's it's OK if I show my toes that's not gross but like the fact that you're obsessed with the gives me the egg
Toxic masculinity when a guy tries too hard to control you or something around you literally anybody honestly it's just disgusting like literally just let people do what the fuck they wanna do and about that foot fetish
I'm so sorry so I guess foot fetishes are literal red flags then because I feel like that's a common denominator in douche bags and yes for sure if they try to control me in anyway or give me directions that I don't need it
What was the world people offer for this is all douche bags but if you find one sure they are maybe but some people are actually normal they just have a fresh overfeed so you can't just put it on everybody that might have a full finish OK so you can chill with
I hate feet. I think feet are so so gross, but there's also worse fetishes like what about guys who want who think it's sexy when a girl is in pigtails. Like that is a huge gross red flag.
I think when a man says something ignorant or bigoted also when he is visibly like dirty like has long dirty nails like those are things that really give me the egg
What's wrong with Evan Denny nails because when you had daddy knows that means you work hard my friend okay okay let me like if I see a man with dirty nus working I'll give him a high-five cause cause I don't care how daddy is fuck
I have ics about men and women too. This was not... this is, you know, stereo sound ****s are so short that I can't include every single thing in one ****. That's why the topic is very narrow.
When they don't have mannerisms or when they have that little ego trip where it's like you're having to be the one to win them like that's my biggest egg like you
I hate when a man starts showing out whenever there's a lady around. Like bro, you weren't like this five minutes ago. What the fuck are you doing now?
Do you listen listen listen listen about the feed thing I am not into feet but people that aren't her feet have made it weird like to look at feet like I'm becoming feet phobic now
Oh my God for sure those are major major X but yeah I feel like a lot of people understand what I mean about the ex feet thing however I will be honest I did have a boyfriend who was into it and I totally loved him so I had to look past that but for the most part I just don't like it