Psychologists and psychiatrists can be such best helpers, to be honest. They'll help you alleviate your problems without funding, without requiring you to fund money on them often, depending on the type of psychologist you or she is, and depending on the person himself or herself cus even a user of the internet would be quite now. And honestly, their advices have been quite helpful for me to apply on. As opposed to political activists, what most political activists do is they create schemes in your country, such as imagine if you're in a country like North Korea and the political actress let's say the Prime Minister of North Korea Kim jong-un has helped out people of DPRK by providing them houses bought free and he also made a video himself praising himself for building thousands of houses of people or homeless people free. Something thats in North Korea. Here in India if you're below the line of certain ration card... ration card value. Let's say from... I don't like... If you're a certain...