I really don't know what lying on somebody else's private parts, like, does for people who have a hard time, a history of a hard time. Finding, you know, love for themselves or, like, proper living arrangement, you know, or stability. Like, I never understood the validation, like, people who can't sell their music. music, people who can't get further to mainstream platforms. All that jealousy causes you to tell sexual lies on people that you don't know in order to try to humiliate them and then it doesn't work and then y'all get quiet. I don't care how quiet you get or how much you tiptoe and how much you secretly regret starting with me. You are about to pay for everything you did. Rather I want you to or not. You trying to prove that I'm not important in this world and in this universe. You about to pay for that and nobody's going to be able to help or save anybody who has done something towards me. Knowing that they had no business messing with me or lying on me or trying to conjure up things. Y'all are about to hear them cry and weep and have a lot of tragedies And there's nothing anybody can do about it It's not because I want it to happen It's because that's what they brought Into their own life by picking at people Who don't have anything to do with them Who just simply remind them Of the things that they need to work on Peace and love