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Midwest 61d
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Miroslav Glavić
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Four Skin Cheese
John Skibnuts
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Let's see the whole video. This guy's real quick to play the race card just because he happens to be black and they happen to be white, but let's see the whole video. Let's see what he was, what led up to this moment. They're always conveniently cropped exactly to where the person wants it to be.
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Well, look, I don't know what else we're going to find before or after the video. I think it's pretty clear that the student that's walking in a public place on campus with his daughter, with a doll in the stroller, is not causing anybody any physical harm or putting anybody in any real danger. He's just exercising his First Amendment right. That's all that I see is happening, and they simply just don't like it. They just simply don't agree, you know, even though he has a right to be there. That seems like the only thing that's going on here.
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I hear you, man. However, I've just fallen victim too many times to a conveniently edited clip to support a narrative that somebody's trying to push. I would love to see more information about what preceded this event with them stopping him. I mean, these are students who are protesting for Palestine and I support his First Amendment right as well as theirs, but if they're protesting for Palestine, I can't imagine that they care at all that he's a black man. I mean,
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Yeah, I'm not coming from the race angle, so we can put the, you know, I'm a black man and you're a white man thing to the side. He's a human being, a student with a first amendment right to do what he's doing. That's my problem. And they're trying to change his rights into a crime by calling him an agitator, when really all he's doing is just exercising his rights just like they are. And they just simply don't want him there exercising his rights. That's the problem.
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That is not racial discrimination from the white guy. It's the black guy that is the racist one. He's expecting different treatment because he's black. We're supposed to be equal under the law.
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Hold on, man. Even though I don't agree that it's necessarily racial discrimination, because I just don't have enough information to come to that conclusion at this point, how is the black guy racist? What is it that he's expecting that is unfair treatment? If anything, all I can see is that he's asking for the exact same treatment as everybody else to be able to exercise his First Amendment right unbothered. But he simply can't get that because they do not want opposing views in that area.
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