Xray Robin Hood and Little John, walking through the forest Laughing back and forth at what the other’n has to say Reminiscing this and that and having such a good time.
Msweedteahouse WHAT'S COOKING? TRADITIONAL JAMAICAN RICE & PEAS CURRY CHICKEN & COLESLAW SALAD. Mmm haven't not tried this delicious recipe yet then find a Jamaican restaurant close to you Or curry chic peas 4 vegan
Nugget Diggler the Mighty Newsflash Robotic weirdo housewife.. Your Tampon loving Husband & Camel-Toe lost.. !! just keep on looking autistic, retarded & out of Sync with reality 😁😁😁
CůŋŧBïrð Sůbłïmïs Protect Your Peace ✌️ #DeleteDeleteDelete #BlockAndKeepItMovin #GetItAllTheWayGone
CůŋŧBïrð Sůbłïmïs I Mean... Her Name IS Sally Lax... 😅💩 #TotallyMyReactionToo #OhMyGoshImInTrouble #GotAWetWipe #ThrowUrPantsAway
CůŋŧBïrð Sůbłïmïs Breakfast Is Ready @xraydelta101 Get It While It's Hot 🔥 😅 #FullEnglishBrekky #WhatACatch #CooksOfStereo #CharcoalGoodForTheBowels
CůŋŧBïrð Sůbłïmïs Well We Know How This Ends Up... ♟️👑 💀☣️ #DreadPirateCuntBird #CheckmateHos #LetTheGamesBegin #YoureAlreadyALoser
Nugget Diggler the Mighty Q: what ever happened to the Larrikan Australian man? A: Woke made him extinct.
CůŋŧBïrð Sůbłïmïs Forget Everything You've Heard! Season 1 Finale of Bird Watching with @deliciouspaint in T-Minus 4 Hours 🐦🎨🍻 #BirdsAREReal
CůŋŧBïrð Sůbłïmïs Sweet Summer Potlucks ☀️🍉 #TrailerTrashTammy #SummertimeSummertime #MoreButterIsBetter #Moist