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X Filter Podcast


X Filter Podcast

THE OFFICIAL... 🗣raw talk no filter open discussions over drinks🥃🍺 podcast. 🎙Hosts: @thatguy_raf & @andrewaugu2tu2 ⬇️link below⬇️
4 talks
7 abonnés
3 abonnements
2 listeners
Talk with bibbski
X Filter Podcast & 1 plus
1 listener
And we’re back! (W/ Eri & Goose)
Finally back with our first episode together in over 6 (or 7) months now and we have a lot to talk about as far as how’s life been for each other, what everyone’s up to, what’s new, and we’ll be talking about upcoming topics and ideas for future podcast episodes. So don’t miss out!!!
X Filter Podcast & 2 plus
4 listeners
Boston Night life (DJ’s POV)
LIVE on @stereo This Thursday we got DJ @bibbski92 on the Raf Effect talking about nightlife in Boston, how the industry has changed the way music is created by DJs like himself and his new mix patr 28 of “ASTRONOT” & part 2 of “This Is What Summer Feels Like” both out now on @soundcloud. Link is in his bio so go check him out and hit the follow button while you’re at it. 👌🏾🔥💯
X Filter Podcast & 1 plus
1 listener
Long time no chat (w/ DJ Bibbski)
Catching up on old times. Shooting the ish about Pre and post pandemic life. And what the future hold for us now.
X Filter Podcast & 1 plus
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