Mystics Throughout HistoryFrom Helena Blavatsky to Joan of Arc - the good, the bad, and the ugly - we will be discussing some of the most notable and impactful mystics throughout time.
CultsThis episode will discuss some of the most infamous and dangerous cults in history, as well as what signs to look for in a proper religious organization vs a cult.
The FaeThis episode will discuss the mythical creatures seen in various myths and folklore known as the Fae - who they are, where they reside, and how we can SAFELY incorporate them into our witchcraft practices.
Spiritual PsychosisWhen can spirituality turn into something dangerous? How do people develop spiritual mentalities so extreme that they’ll put themselves or others at risk, or even do something as outlandish as joining a cult? This episode will discuss the phenomenon known as spiritual psychosis, and signs of it in spiritual spaces.
Deconstructing Your Witchcraft PracticeMany people who practice witches are former Christians. This is obviously fine, but things can get hairy when you take the things that you claim to have hated about Christianity, and unknowingly begin to incorporate those same harmful concepts into your witchcraft practice. This episode discusses signs, red flags, and things to avoid while deconstructing from Christianity as a practicing witch.
Death MagickAll about death deities, death witches vs workers, and how we can incorporate these practices into our lives as witches.
HerbalismThis episode will discuss the practical and spiritual uses of herbalism. We will discuss how to balance herbalism with “modern” medicine, and how to incorporate Magick into these health practices as well.
Transitioning DeitiesWhen one deity leaves your witchcraft practice and another potentially comes in, how do you make that change in your practice and adjust? This is what we will discuss on tonight’s episode of the TeaTime Podcast!
Music MagickHow we can use music in our witchcraft practices, as well as the history and science behind music used in Magick and ritual.
Angel MagickAll about the history of Magick with angels and how we can incorporate it into our practices today.
RunesAll about the history and mythology of Norse runes, and how we can use them today!
Everyday Food MagickKitchen witchcraft made simple! This episode will discuss how to do witchcraft just with what’s in your pantry or fridge!
Careers in SpiritualityEverything from small business to officiating weddings, we’re going to discuss what kinds of things you might need to do in order to pursue a spiritual career!
Baneful Christian Magick (POSTPONED)As if Magick in Christianity isn’t controversial enough, there absolutely is a long history of baneful magick within Christianity, and this episode is going to spill all the tea!
SamhainAll about the witchiest day of the year! What it is, the history, and how to celebrate l!
The Many Faces of SophiaMany different religions recognize Sophia as a goddess, but how is she depicted among them? This episode will address just that, as well as how we can incorporate her into our witchcraft practices.
The 5D: A New Age Red FlagIf you’ve ever heard of the idea of ascending to the 5D, you might know that it’s a very...interesting topic. What some people don’t know though is that this rhetoric is incredibly toxic. This episode will discuss what this mentality is and why it is a red flag in spiritual spaces.
Egregore TheoryHow powerful is the human mind? Can we create our own gods? Whats the difference between an egregores and trickster spirits? All this and more!
MabonAll about how to celebrate the fall equinox!