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Kyler 194d
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Serenity Frazier
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Gahel 192d
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Idk 191d
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RyanIDKTF 190d
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Le Charmant Sage
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I do. I do celebrate Christmas. It's always nice to have some of my buddies come over and the family, you know, cook some dinner, you know, a lot of people think it's weird that I do have friends come over for Christmas, but not everybody has a family to spend it with some, you know, like my one of my closest friends, his family's leaving for Christmas. So it's just going to be him for New Year's. I have a party too. It's fun. It is. I'm not religious at all. I don't I don't believe in the religious part of that. I just like I like having to spend time. I don't care about the presents that much. They're nice. But you know, dinner is my family.
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I think like 70-80% of people celebrate Christmas and the other 30-20% celebrates other holidays like Kwanzaa or something. But yeah, talking about Christmas, I love Christmas and I'm gonna listen to more Christmas music later. But yeah, Christmas is probably my favorite holiday out of any and every holiday.
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Yeah, bad dude. Ah, yes, they see now.
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yes I celebrate Christmas I don't know if you celebrate Christmas but I celebrate Christmas and it's a pretty good holiday I get gifts and food and you know bunch of other stuff but I mean it's Christmas who doesn't like Christmas you know but yeah it's a pretty good holiday
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I don't celebrate Christmas. I just don't understand though. Why people choose this typical month just to be nice? Lots of fake people. Nobody knows if it's Jesus Christ's birthday or his birth year. I don't know. I just don't celebrate.
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