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Eugene 200d
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Edward Galino 199d
Edward Galino
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Elwood Antiques
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Destrucxo 196d
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Jamie Danielle
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ZandarStone 195d
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Le Charmant Sage
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Gabe 193d
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Blob 192d
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Ajani 191d
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I honestly don't think gender really weighs on the capability of being a good president. It's the brain that is needed. So regardless of the body it's in, someone with a smart mind needs to be president.
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What the fuck does a gender have to do with a job occupation? Explain that to me.
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Okay, so if there was a female president, there wouldn't be very much difference. Um, I think a common misconception that people have is that you can be a humanitarian, like you can actually care about people in the world and things of that nature. Um, if you're a president because the perceived power or whatever, but, uh, yeah, you wouldn't really be able to do much positively for the world regardless.
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I would say it depends on how she was raised. If she was raised for the sole purpose to be a president, like to be a leader, then go ahead. But I don't think being a president is something that any woman could do, especially if a country is full of men, and you know they won't listen.
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I mean, we saw it in the election of Trump and Hillary Clinton, you know, people went to Trump because he was less crazy than Hillary because she was really in with her emotions. So I'm not saying that all women are in with their emotions, I'm just saying the majority of them are. So that's why I say men are more respected and more, you know, forward and, you know, leading the U.S.
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There's a lot of smart women in the world, but you need someone who's up with the times, right? We don't need 80-year-old people ruling the world, okay? We need somebody who's like in their 30s, they know what's up, and they obviously have everything in like order and check and like organized and everything. They know what to change and whatnot.
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There were a lot of, like, we need somebody like Obama, bro. Like, girl, like, a girl like Obama or something, I'd... Um, I feel like they'd do really good. We just need the right girl.
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