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Noor Alam Mehdi
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Lucas 311d
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Logan Gibson 311d
Logan Gibson
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The iconic Eiffel Tower isn't just a marvel of engineering, it's also a testament to the power of preservation. Gustav Eiffel in his 1900 book, The 300 Meter Tower, emphasized the significance of painting the tower as a crucial element in its conservation. Since its construction, the tower has been repainted 19 times, roughly once every seven years. But did you know it wasn't always the bronze shade we recognize today? Today it transitioned from red-brown to yellow ochre, then to chestnut brown, before settling on its current hue. Interestingly, the color slightly shades off towards the top, ensuring a consistent perception against the Parisian sky. The Eiffel Tower isn't just a structure, it's an evolving piece of art. Stay sharp with TALE.
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