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Kc 346d
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TheCashBrat 346d
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Tony Iverson 346d
Tony Iverson
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Tony Iverson 346d
Tony Iverson
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Coast the Apache
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Mike 345d
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Bunny Jay 345d
Bunny Jay
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Mack 344d
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Let's talk about allergies we know that some evil may have allergies could be so anything could be to dust could be to pets certain medication's cosmetics make up facial cleansers whatever it be what are you allergic to if you do have allergies let me know in the comments as for me I have a lot of rains of allergies stemming from laundry detergent to any type of make up majority burns my face I cannot have it touching my skin it will turn red and peel the same thing with facial masks the peel ones you put on your skin any type they burn even the ones that say natural they still burn Basically majority everything you know I am very limited to things that I can use even earrings burn my skin so I'm highly allergic to a lot of things sadly and I try to look for other ways where I can still use them but I try to look for better products so let me know what you're allergic to in the comments much love and hope everyone's having a great day today
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Man one time I took mad mad Benadryl and I was tripping balls bro let me tell you right now you take them fucking Milli Vanilli about that my man you bro fuck it true oh my don't bring this back up
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Only thing I'm allergic to is bullshit. I'm just saying I don't have really any allergies. Peace
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How do you season is everything I just got it tough enough to go to
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It's allergy season, you gotta deal with it, yeah.
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Yeah I got allergies I'm allergic to dust honestly nothing else and that's a honey by just us
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