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Auntie TeeTee Lioness
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What's the motherfucking wireman be back again with one of these poles thanks yeah I was saying I'm not sure if you're familiar with the video below but is the issue of who she paid how did the bill be split his people ordering calamari in New York strips know nothing Hannas people are in chicken strips and french fries do you know how many housesitting be divided absolute be your girlfriend pay your mama paying your boy your baby daddy your partners yummy Israel self-explanatory champion make sure you're following the hashtags man and at the very least jump in line for motherfucking battle Royale biggest thing on stereo type in and let me know if any
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I'm going to pay for my own and the birthday girls or I'm just out this be now I'm just playing I'm definitely paying for mine and a birthday girls that's about it everybody else y'all got y'all
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