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Novaa 344d
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Maliyah locklear
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Cadesutt 344d
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I'm really starting like to hate dispensaries because one thing that they will do they'll tell growers to grow a certain amount and then when the growers have their harvest and stuff like they'll have the amount that the dispensaries asked for them to grow and then they won't even buy all of it so you have growers like stuck with like all this product and don't really know what to do with it but dispensaries are also very dishonest and like disingenuous with what they do like they milk most of their weed that they get from the growers and like get all the oil they drain the weed for all the oil and then sell it for like the high and then you have like watered-down weed so yeah how do you guys feel about dispensaries like I feel like the 420 culture is getting like watered down and like way more it's just becoming more capitalist like I'll just say that but yeah fuck dispensaries
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I kind of hate this
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