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Revenge 440d
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Lolly B Good
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Hey Stereo, so would you rather someone be honest with you and hurt your feelings or lie and protect your feelings?
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Oh my God I need somebody to be honest because the truth always comes out eventually right like if somebody doesn't if somebody has feelings that then or an opinion that's gonna hurt my feelings and their actions are going to spill out and then how my gonna trust them I can't I can't trust them at all so I would rather somebody be honest with me but it's all about delivery too right like you're not be complete asshole but yeah fuck hurt my friends
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We feel the same, because really, when people lie to you, you do find out, and every truth after that becomes questionable. And once you're questioning everybody's truth, there's no point in them even, you know, telling you anything, because it just, it makes it, all of it is a lie. So I'm definitely with, I always go with the truth. So if it hurts a little, that's okay. I'd much rather it hurt a little than, you know, the lies, the lies just last forever.
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