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Abraham Terlinden
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Jenna Michelle
Silver 452d
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Hope London
Jenna Michelle
Hope London
Hope London
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Jenna Michelle
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Jenna Michelle
Jenna Michelle
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Jenna Michelle
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All right pro-choice or pro-life and why
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Everybody is pro-choice. If you want the proof, fuckin' ask a pro-lifer. Should a 13-year-old girl be required to have a baby of her molester? If they say no, she's not required to have it, then they're pro-choice. There's no fuckin', you know, cherry-picking. Abortion is healthcare.
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Definitely the biggest issue with abortion is how it's used on you know in cases like rape and says where the mothers risk of dying any of those cases it's completely understandable but when you're using abortion just because you don't like raising a kid and you're too stupid to have sex ashes that's awful at system like just raise the kids really done it And also a half of the black babies being born in New York are aborted it's just it's really awful to see that
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I didn't know what the fuck I heard those men. I just clicked one and apparently it was pro life. So So yeah.
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No pro choice like I understand you I don't think you actually understand what you're saying but before you say some shit like that and you get your ass canceled read into this shit like take your fucking time because you shouldn't for like no you're like if you're actually if you're actually if you actually know what this is about and you're saying pro life then
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Shut your ass up if you really understood me you would help me understand why I will be pro-choice so don't fucking come at me like that and to be honest I don't really care if I did cancels like that
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Yo, you know damn well the second the baby's in there it already has a soul a Life chosen of them. They already beat all the other serum cells And you're just gonna decide to end it off like that bro already starting to develop It's kinda crazy.
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I don't think your position is very well fleshed out. Not all pregnancies end with the reward of having a child at the end of it. Not just by abortion, I mean naturally, one in four will end in miscarriage and those that actually do implant can be ectopic a lot of the times and that can be anywhere in the body and I don't think you would actually stop a woman from actually terminating an next topic pregnancy.
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Oh, like, no! It takes time for a baby to develop, like, a consciousness, like, an existence. It is not a li- It's not- It's not a being. It's not- It's not living. It is- It is not a human being. Just because it beat the other sperm cells does not mean it is, like, alive.
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well I mean they do they are living they do have an existence they're just not conscience they don't know anything I don't really know it is alive like it's just it wouldn't really know it's not gonna be like
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Okay, take a fetus. You take it out of the womb. Will it live? Will it survive on its own? Will it be able to walk, breathe, talk, think? It's not living. It's not able to do anything. You're like, well, it will be able to. Well, if you stop it there, if you kill it there, then it can't.
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Exactly. I'm right. It does not have an existence. It could, but if you get rid of the problem before it turns into anything relevant, then it doesn't matter. It does not have an existence. It's not real. Well, it's real, but it's not alive. It's not living. So it doesn't matter.
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But that's not the point. If it doesn't have an existence, it wouldn't even be there to begin with. It wouldn't even be a sperm to be, like, it would just never exist. That's not what, you're using existence as, it has to have consciousness to exist, but no, it literally just means it's there. Like, if it doesn't have, if it doesn't have an existence, it wouldn't be there at all. It wouldn't, this conversation would never have started.
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You're using existence wrong, though. You're thinking that it has to be, like, relevant, or an actual fully fledged animal, when really, all it has to be is there. It- it- that's the whole point of existence. It's just- it's there. It- it- to exist. I mean, it doesn't mean it needs to exist more than it should, but, I mean, it does exist.
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Okay, it exists, but it has no emotions, it has no mind, it has no brain, it's not living. It is not an actual thing. It exists, it's there, but it's not functional. So why does it matter if it's aborted or not? It's not a thing. It's a thing!
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Your argument about removing a fetus from the womb. Okay, so like, what about right after birth and infants brand new newborn. If you just leave it there, it's not going to live either. So you're telling me a newborn you can terminate a newborn too. If you live a two leave a two year old alone, they have to be taken care of. Right? They have to be supported, they have to be fed. Same thing with with a baby in the body. And so a fetus is a stage of human development. So as I go to an embryo, whatever you want to call it,
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It appears some people in some parts of the argument don't appreciate the unborn baby as a genuine life. Most abortions are carried out for 10 weeks which is good but I think that number should be reduced because the baby has a heartbeat after 4 weeks. In circumstances that it's like an extreme sexual assault essay then yeah abortion, fine, financial reasons, no women's health abortion, yes.
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Life isn't that simple though is it and am yeah the heartbeat can be detected quite early on but it's not actually a fully formed heart as much later on I think we'll after 16 weeks so in the early weeks yes you can sense a heartbeat but I just have heart cells like a tissue it's not an actual fully formed her anyway regardless of that I think any civil Society should have choice so it's pro-choice
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Love and light hope London. Do you realize that you are just a collection of cells? Like what makes you different like the ability to talk and speak and walk and stand up for yourself? I'm just curious. Like where is the line right because a brand-new newborn can't survive outside the womb by itself Right a naked baby born all bloody and I mean, have you seen a newborn? You can't just have a baby born and lay it down and it just takes care of itself Mm-hmm
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Hi Michelle, your message was only brought to my attention now. Yeah, I understand what you're saying. And yes, I do understand what cells are. I'm a science teacher. I did a biology degree, and I teach chemistry, biology and physics, so I know it very well. But, my point is, it has to be choice. And I'm just saying, if we're going to live in a progressive, civilised society, we have to have choice, no matter what the other side is saying.
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On Silver Surfer, when you mentioned about having abortions before ten weeks, I think you said, the issue with that is most women don't even know they're pregnant. So unless you're going down the IVF route or you're quite rigid and you're planning it specifically and you check with one of those sensitive tests where they show you when you're one or two weeks, usually you don't know. You might miss a period and you might miss another period before you actually realise you're pregnant. So that's another problem. People find out much later.
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My brother, I would say killing is killing, but a lot of people kill for the right reasons and for the wrong reasons, such as are we men killing other are we men for their country. So it really depends on your reasons. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
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When did humans forget that sex, intercourse, makes pregnancy? That's what I want to know. Yes, I'm pro-choice, you're allowed to do whatever you want with your life, but we all know what makes babies. If you don't want to be pregnant, don't have intercourse, do other things. Right? Then you won't have to end life by having an abortion. Abortion is not birth control, my opinion only, obviously.
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I think you fail to understand a lot of people who are getting abortions, they may have been raped or sexually assaulted, and they can't choose that. Or, just because you're having sex does not mean you want a baby. Like, you're being very, like... I'm not gonna say dumb, but dumb. You're being very dumb, because, like, your thought is, oh, if you don't want a baby, just don't have sex, well, someone gets raped or sexually assaulted, or...
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Oh, I understand. I understand that the fight is from women who want to have sexual pleasure without accepting the responsibility of the consequences of their actions. If you have intercourse, no matter what, you can get pregnant, even if you're on the pill, even if he's using a condom. So if you don't want babies, don't get pregnant, don't have intercourse. You can do other sexual things. That's what the fight's about, is women not wanting to take responsibility. Just saying.
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And just to correct that, I never said anything about those who are violently attacked by rape or incest. That doesn't fall under the normal birth control abortion heading. That's special circumstances. And not many actual abortions come from people who were raped or – I mean, if you go look at the statistics, the numbers are from women who wanted to have sex without the consequences.
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You know, I always thought this question was interesting because of how manipulative the powers that be are when they, with the way that they formulate it, you know, employs the question. Pro-choice versus pro-life. I'm both, you know. I believe in free agency and I believe in life, you know. Everybody deserves to live. Obviously, there are circumstances that, you know, that are, you know, are unique. But it's a silly question. I think what's right is right.
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