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Nicole 485d
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Tiney 485d
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Kenneth Chen 485d
Kenneth Chen
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Kenneth Chen
Luci 484d
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Mimi Pell 484d
Mimi Pell
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Jordan 484d
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Him 484d
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Publication indisponible
Princε Elοhim Evangεlαnοs
Kiki 484d
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I'll have 4.5x the full issue because this is full bullshit. Bullshit, I tell you.
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Take you and your dark magic on somewhere, you know men can't get birth, you know better than that. Be quiet man, you probably look like you watched South Park just for the emo kids, look at shit. Like shut the fuck up. Bye, let go. Take you in at the stairs way down somewhere.
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Are you talking to me? I don't believe in anything that I'm supposed to do because I want to see people's opinions and opinions if you want it. But I think it's pretty stupid
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Oh girl, I'm Muddin! Muddin, I got you make that post! I'm just, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I'm just talking about the person who ever made that post. I'm just sorry, I'm sorry, really.
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What the hell is wrong with people like first of all men can't give birth it's not natural it's not in um nature Jesus is not non-binary he's actually male and trans women are better at being women hell no Stay what you were born in assigned as like I mean our son does stay what you were born as like y'all we're gonna switch
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If Jesus is non-binary, why do they refer to him as he, him, in the Bible?
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Because he's not it's very disrespectful how y'all assume that oh he's non-binary oh he's trans oh he's gay like no he goes by him in the Bible just like you said so he said he is not part of your community homosexual he is a sin why will Jesus sin He died for our sins why would he send
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At first I was against you I guess I'm sorry I probably misunderstood why are you sad by yeah I'm with you I know Jesus is not done by Ineri
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First of all, bitch, I don't know who the fuck said that men can give birth, no they cannot, they don't have fucking boobs, they don't have ovaries, get over yourself. Second of all, Jesus was male. I don't give a fuck about whatever you're trying to press onto religious people, but we all know for a damn fact that Jesus was known on binary, he was a male. Little b****, trans woman, fuck no fuckers.
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Yo whoever posted this is dumb as fuck they said trans women are better at being women how Oh Notice how it doesn't have any explanation to anything it just says what they think it's not fucking correct get some educational books and educate yourself on how shit works you fucking dumb ass
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Yeah we're going under hell for this one like yo head that issue is exotic no no no no delete this right now hi it's not OK how are you trance but you're a woman she do you got a weenie or you got a Cuz Either a boy or a girl who is preferred
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Well I don't think this was edited also unnerving mean me or the ad doing the post but I'm not desperate to get views so I didn't add anything by this screenshot I took from my live on TikTok is 100% real any day happened
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This is beyond sick and beyond wrong on so many different levels I don't even know what to say about statements such as this into actually believe it that's why we say that people of this community of this nature of the devil Teresita because it's on is the author of confusion he is the father of lies and believe these things you must be I don't even know what to call you at this point
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Talking about me yes I kind of believe this just because I seen that so many times and there's a trance woman well she doesn't even look like a woman she looks like a dude and he saying like oh transforming are better than one they are trans women and one man a man can give birth every time so that's why I believe it but I know it's a lot
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