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Lmao 373d
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Etha Cowley 373d
Etha Cowley
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Anabelle 371d
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Samuel Thomas Height
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Stella Winter 371d
Stella Winter
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Nataliee 371d
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Kaitlyn 371d
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Christy 371d
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Christy 371d
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And also I can absolutely tell that you compare yourself to others Otherwise you wouldn't know what ugly is compared to what? Comparing yourself to who who are you ugly in comparison to? So start thinking about that a little bit more and realizing like you're only your own worst credit So try not to be so hard on yourself and realize you're just as human as the rest of us at least I think so.
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No you're just doing that shit so somebody could say oh you're handsome and comfort you hit the gym or something
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Hear me out on this, like, okay. The one of the ugliest personality traits is people who call themselves ugly and people who like beat themselves up over stupid stuff like that. Cause like, like would you rather hang out with someone who's like confident, outgoing, you know, whatever, just chill to be with, or would you rather hang out with someone who's constantly being like, oh my God, I'm so ugly. I look like this, I don't like this about myself. Like, one of the best things is if you're confident and you like act like how you wanna be perceived, people perceive you in that way, bro.
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To be honest, you're making me confident right now.
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You're a pretty good looking, fur-not-good guy. That's the least I can say.
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I'm not a huge like Jim bro either, but obviously bro. Honestly, it looks like you could lose a little bit of weight You know like I can tell you kind of have a sedentary lifestyle Also get some sunlight. You're like pretty pale and Honestly, I'm getting new fit some clothes Probably do a better haircut or just shave your head and and work on your acne skin. Just put a little effort man. Like I promise you'll be fine.
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Bro looks like he eats tar and drinks battery acid.
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Also, I was leading you, I was looking for the issue with the small ass leaf. A-ya-ya-ya!
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You dead ass look like somebody who would shoot up a school. I ain't gonna lie, you kinda scary. But if you say you ugly, go do something about it. You come on social media just to say you ugly. This call gonna pick me. But that's not cute. That's not nothing.
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But it's actually ugly because ugly is not ugly is a creative word like no To try to make society better, but society is actually bad So like with society brings down people and it is supposed to bring up people that why Jesus. That's why God created So you not agree? It's just wrong angle. No, no, you don't have to. Nobody's ever
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