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Sayra Garcia 424d
Sayra Garcia
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Josiah 424d
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Percstr 424d
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Thalia 424d
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Aliza 424d
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Heaven 424d
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Question for the ladies out there, is it weird? Do you find it weird for your boyfriend and talking gay to the homies? Cause me personally, I'm homie sexual and my girlfriend completely okay with it. I've been talking to the gay to the homies all the time. So I'm just trying to figure out if other girls are okay with that because then I can tell the homies that they can act gay with me. And like, and then it's all good. They don't got to call me weird or nothing like that.
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Literally, bruh. That shit pisses me off. Like, it makes me so fucking mad. Like, sorry for my broken-ass fucking English because I'm a beener, but bro, it makes me so fucking mad because like I asked him if I can pick and he's like, no. Like, why the fuck are you gonna be saying this shit to your homies but not to me? You know what I mean?
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It's pretty obvious you a fucking beaner and uh, yeah being gay with the homies only gay with the homies *****
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I'm not going to lie, for my homies I'm going to be back flipping on that ****, you know what I mean? But I know why y'all females get mad, like y'all do the same shit with y'all girls, bro. Like y'all be saying y'all want to suck each other's pussies and scissor each other. I will backflip on my book homies ****, I swear to God.
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I don't think it's weird just because I'd be a hypocrite because I'd be acting fucking gay too. Like I love my girlfriend so much.
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Look, like sometimes it'll be funny but like if you overdo it and call yourself homosexual then that's just- that's just fucking weird. I don't know what to say about that.
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Well, I would per se, it is a little weird, but who am I to tell him that he can't talk gay to his homies?
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But there's like one small request. If he's not talking to me the same way, then why should I let him talk like that?
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No, I don't care if he talk gay to his friends, like, the fuck, I do it too. I sit on my friends lap, I put their booty on my dick, I don't really care.
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I mean me personally I just think like if you're gay just say that I don't mind like if you build a human like if you gay just say that you're bisexual I don't know just saying
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Yeah, that's fine.
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Is it DOLAN? Is it really just fine? Are you sure? Are you sure? Are you 100% certain?
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No, I wouldn't be mad at that because me personally, I do that with my friends sometimes like with my girls I'll be telling them like you're so beautiful. I just want to kiss you But like I don't be mean and it like seriously but like, you know, just fun just hyping them up
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Honestly, I have no problem with my, well, I have no problem with any man talking gay to his homies. I feel like that's better than him trying to act gay with a girl knowing down well that he's straight.
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