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Harmoney 384d
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T⃤S⃤K⃤ Darren
Printiss Lux 384d
Printiss Lux
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Tokyo 382d
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Idk 381d
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Eduardo 381d
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Saige Reny 381d
Saige Reny
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Saige Reny
Saige Reny
Saige Reny
Sydnee 380d
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Yo what's good stereo people people of stereo whatever you know anyways tell me the craziest or scariest thing that has ever happened to you and don't hold back because I'm bored and I need some entertainment so please what is the scariest thing that has happened to you
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OK so it was a bad ass and he has the outside and he my two friends we're walking down this hill right and at the end of the hill there was a bus like a city bus and they were letting people off and you know like how old like I thought I like the back of the bus there's a door and you can get off the bus through the door OK so there was only two people that got off using the door and you know they were fucking moving a stretcher bowl like a stretcher with a dead body on it this is not even the scary part
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Pay rate and then the two people with the stretcher they went behind the bus so we couldn't see them anymore and then the bus left like two seconds later and then the people with the shit you're right they weren't even there anymore like where did they go and like if we if they went into a building we would've seen them going into the building and there is a cemetery right there too right and if they went to that we would've seen them because like the cemetery was so like our left and right and like literally were on a hill so we could've seen everything and it wasn't even that far either so it's like what the fuck
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And I know for a fact I didn't fucking dream that because every time I bring it up to my fucking friends they're always like yeah I remember that that shit was crazy as fuck so like I know I'm not fucking crazy like I know I'm not
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I'm not calling bullshit I'm just wondering like usually is a crying woman white dress with a man with a black hat no just to Nikis west stretcher I bet you're spooky ghost take her to leave it like this is so fucking haunting you to knickers with stretcher I don't know but if you can't I connect a shit
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3 AM I was walking to go downstairs to get some water I missed a step my heart dropped I almost died scariest moment of my life
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It don't happen when I was a freshman in high school boy and I tell you when I tell you I was so scared that that was the most could've ever been in my life bro swimming I came and got moves like 10 o'clock at night but she was like we're gonna go out and chill I need you to watch all your little brothers and your cousins right and I was like OK I will and she was like if anything happened call your uncle so I said I OK anyways what I want your house right
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Then what is soon as we got a couple hours went by so it was like three or 4 o'clock in the morning but I was still up I was on the game I was playing the game bro and light out of nowhere I heard laughing and giggling and I heard knocking on the walls in the doors in the windows so I got scared and started looking around bro it's only me up and I'm thinking it's like the kid like my little brother sometimes and it was like there was A
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But and I was like where is the noise coming from so I started freaking out and I grabbed a hammer because I started here like the doorhandles Jacob and Angela I would like or not so I grab a hammer and I'll call my uncle Bill tomorrow Wendy's do got there but he said there was nobody outside so I'm standing here looking stupid and scary bro I'm like I know for a fact I wasn't going crazy bro
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I am and I tell you I was so scared at night but I told him and I was like I'm never watching him again you got a find out or do you want to find my device to do it because I'm never doing it again never
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I did for a fuck you bitch Not you But there was this one time I slept out of it the my cousin's fucking dog out and She me and her ran upstairs and she grabbed the coat and it was during Halloween too So it was cold out and she grabbed the coat she didn't give me one so I was wearing a devil's costume, which was a skirt and a tank top type shit and We were running trying to catch the damn dog and this neighbor goes are you guys okay? Do you guys need help like why are you screaming? We're like, we're gonna catch the dog, blah, blah.
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She was like, okay, well I'll help you and okay cool and she had these like two scary ass ringtones one was like I'm gonna kill you some shit like that and the other one was like a fucking werewolf. I don't fucking know. She didn't go with us far so she ended up going back home since it was like 12 in the morning. We ran through this cornfield trying to like catch the damn dog and we ended up on somebody's barn and I remember this guy was threatening us to get off his lawn with a shotgun.
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and he was like saying that he was gonna kill us if we don't get off his lawn he was some grumpy ass old man fucking white cracker stupid anyway after that i guess i screamed and my mom heard it from like a really far away distance so she called the police and me and my cousin got in the back of the police car and we never got the dog back cuz he's a bitch yeah
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OK story time I was at work I had to shit and I'm shit myself
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OK so I went fishing with my cousins and my siblings and I am of course stupid me I hit my head on the concrete somehow but after that we stopped fishing because whatever they weren't catching a lot of fish so we went to this playground in mind she was like 10 at night so It was really really dark and the only light source
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And the only light surface was like lamp posts so since I obviously had any kind like a concussion or whatever I went up on the slide and I hit there because we were playing like hide and go seek tag or some shit and I saw this thing going through the trees and I had lowing pretty eyes I was scared for my life someone else saw it and they started running
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My cousin came up to get me and he was like run like absolutely run to the car so ice sprinted as fast as I could considering that I like just gave myself a concussion somehow and I went in the car heart was racing and my other sister and cousin he was telling me to run to the car went back out to investigate and apparently like they saw it again
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So they saw it again and like they were saying like it was like 6 foot tall like really like the arms and shit like basically telling us that they saw it like a fucking spirit or not a spirit like a demon or some shit so that was scary and I promise you I'm not making this up
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I want to put it with my friends boyfriend and on the way home we got in a car accident because your sister come out I am so off the road and get ran into a ditch but we don't know if the past hour fell sleep I know sounds wrong but we were also friends too so it's not as bad but yeah I was so close to being at work because I also have to work but we weren't rushing home it's crazy you know But yeah that's what happened lol
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I mean nothing scary has happened to me but I've seen like scary stuff happen to other people like I remember this girl's address got leaked I mean she was stupid because like why the fuck are you giving your address out to random people? but like That shit was dumb and funny as hell but it was creepy because people were planning to go over there or people were living near already.
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