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Zoey 446d
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John Thomas 446d
John Thomas
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Joker 446d
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Utilisateur supprimé
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Monse 446d
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Kai 446d
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Malichi Allen 446d
Malichi Allen
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Malichi Allen
Malichi Allen
Malichi Allen
Oxycodon 446d
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Andrew Conner 446d
Andrew Conner
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Misael Garcia 446d
Misael Garcia
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Yeah ring me when I return y'all want you to be completely honest I don't wanna fuck your face shit because like I was actually all over fake because I'll be done in the fucking truth so I don't care for is my feelings like to be honest
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Girl if I wasn't straight I would f**k the s**t out of you that's how funny more keep going girl much love
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00 my God you're so sweet thank you so much you're very pretty as well
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1. How long do you have to make your eyelashes?
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I mean like it kind of depends because this could be like a good last day and they could be like a really really bad one so kind of depends do you know
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Yo, Jarl line uneven. I don't know how that's possible, but yo Jarl line uneven your chin biggest hoe I might I'm gonna give you good
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Boy you don't even fucking show your face primer you fuck insecure too so big fucking quiet now playing though I am I not playing actually no I'm just joking I'm not joking I like that I still have unlimited OK but OK thanks I guess I don't know
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You listen to what I have to deal with and you're calling me insecure? Who are you? I'm even
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But why do you why do you sound like that like bitch what the fuck you gotta do it there's I don't hear shit like what oh you're making no sense
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I'm trying to record a video message. Can I please talk? I did not mean to say that. Sunday is an accident. I just left school. It's an accident. I meant to delete that. My bad. Love you. Bye
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Are you a fucking a canine unit the fuck is that sniffer on you Gotta deal a scrubber called he wants his nose by what the fuck I don't wear your nose that bitch ain't no Way you know that they got so we got a double got that we got a triple he got so let's give her An extra nice tractor come on now you deserve it at this point
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No because like you got me thinking I might be a turn on Universo I might like I can't really good sniffing skills and Squidward bit me and him are to the gnomes topic we share nose is really sure but it's like it's like for the week and he has his Dino's in like for the rest of the week I got that knows because like we sharing your not like me to Nims you know
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You're really beautiful and I'll give you a nine out of 10 I want to like my make up to look kind of like yours one day and I have your nose because I like your nose
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Oh thank you so much you're very pretty as well and your voice is really is really pretty too and I promise you you'll get your make up done like me like you're gonna get your make up to look like mine because I'm a motherfucking catfish so like you're not like a catfish to so you're gonna eat that shit up
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That's not you. Why are you doing it? That's not you. Wow. How could you? Are you cat-fishing all the way?
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Bro how to fuck did you know how did you know but I low-key that she got to stay between me and you don't like what I Gotta do is your name because I know we're kissing your real life OK cause like we both know catfish we both now but it's got to stay between me and you are
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What's amazing? Say I was thinking my head and I'm like, sometimes a pretty girl is not the lawyer's guy, but it's alright. And I don't know. And I tend to fero. And a ten-oh-for-oh. YAY!
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Low-key not gonna lie with you I do not know anything you said in that like I could understand anything you said but I don't know what you say but whatever it is thank you if you're in route thank you I guess again I don't know
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Real shit, I don't even know what I said about either bro. I don't say here like we listen to it over and over again And I still don't know what I said. I don't know, I wasn't buggy.
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I think I meant to say you were mad cute, but I didn't say I don't know what I was saying Have a good oneBye
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Oh why does it not sell I know fuck it up again cute bitch be so fucking for real that's not like nothing like you say you're talking gibberish bro like when he Waze thank you though I appreciate it
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Oh we were at I just reread your audio thing I think you said I said you I was low-key thinking in my head that the pretty girls are either not a loyalist or a loyalist but for sure you like it either 10 or like a 10 out of 10 something like that should I try to race
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Yeah, I'm pretty, I'm pretty s- I appreciate it.
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Yeah you need to brush your f***ing teeth you
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Actually I do wanna see it first but I do wish my shit was the fucking lighting because I hate the lighting as you can see I was covering my mouth because I knew my teeth are about to look at me Jell-O Fuck you hate it really like Hello motherfucking cry because I look like I got yellow teeth I brush my teeth I literally do
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Oh hell now brush them yellow head teeth bro
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Like I said to the guy up of you I don't mind but it was a lady off Like a little bit I want to work like like oh really Yala it was a fucking lady like it was a fucking lady I was a fucking lying bitch
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Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you over a care hand. Don't make me change my mind. Because I won't live to see you another day. I swear it's true.
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See you like you were trying to be funny but the thing is how the fuck do you know the entire fucking lyrics to that song because like it's kind of making me think that you don't want like you don't wanna like not me I'm not emo like you making me think that you emote because you know a little too much of the song a little too much trying to be funny on her
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