All right guys a new situation happen today everybody knows I'm dating Jasmine now which is my ex girlfriends twin sister I walk out of the room and her mom brush by my balls I'm thinking she should I like do something about it do I tell Jasmine I really don't want to destroy the relationship I have with Jasmine now but what would you guys do like tell me her mom's definitely needs and I need advice please help
Yeah, I definitely would confront the mom and Record the conversation in case she doesn't deny it Then let Jasmine hear it so you can see what she thinks about it and if she believes or not, which I'm sure she should.
You know, it's just something about just clapping cheeks on Fortnite, you know, it's just something real about, you know, just terminating cheeks on there. It just brings them some sort of satisfaction towards my soul, you know, just germinating on those cheeks.