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Joel Minton 529d
Joel Minton
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Felisha Barrett
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Jrizzy 529d
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Jade 529d
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͓̽T͓͓̽̽B͓͓̽̽Z͓̽ Vicious Punk
Nene 529d
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Fifer 529d
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Habiliss 529d
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Neo 529d
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Sebvy Hassan 528d
Sebvy Hassan
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Okay, nah. Can somebody please fucking explain why Americans have this like, sudden reflex every time they hear a fucking British accent, they have to like, copy it in like, the most annoying fucking way possible. Like, just speak in your own fucking accent for fuck's sake. Like, Like, when I'm on a live and fucking Russian joins, for example, I don't start talking with a fucking Russian accent, do I? Because you don't just fucking do that. speak with your own fucking accent.
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You mad. You mad mad are you?
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First of all I don't do that you do that because I'm not it's so disrespectful for anyone to ever do yeah
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Cuz y'all the only country in the entire goddamn universe that all speaks the same language, but gun to my head that I couldn't tell you what any of y'all they're fucking talking about.
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At this point, you're getting people to mimic you because not all Americans do that. And they do it out of spite because you guys, like the lines, some of you guys say the most funny shit even though we're all English. Like I don't see the difference. I mean I mean, you guys copy our accent. I don't understand why you so mad about it.
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Yeah but British people don't do it as much as Americans unlike it it's someday it's somehow more patronising an American doing it like just now
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No, just just don't listen listen listen listen you you're not listening you said basically every American No, sir. No, sir Stop right there.
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I wanna because first floor is happening because you know life is life life life is life life life life life you might as well do what you can what are you doing you know like the accent is just like icing no it's really not a big deal if you don't make it a big deal
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Shut the fuck up go drink your tea
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Because we kicked your ass in 1776, we can do whatever the fuck we want. Woo! God bless America!
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Oh say can you see by the dawn's early light
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Listen here buddy I don't know how many times I have to fucking say this shit always fucking out for you fucktard's being a bully brain bloody fucking idiots yeah I do it I will
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No because I feel this because why do all my American friends do this all the time it's so annoying just relax and the worst bit is they can't even do that sounds right that's the worst part at least you are properly if you're gonna do the puppy
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Hello so I think that I am fine Pakistani but I can speak American accent like this you know what is hell why do in America I think so but do you know who it is
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