Alright alright alright, so I went on a date last night and got ice cream and I asked for mint chocolate chip ice cream And the girl was like mint chocolate chip ice cream. What do you crazy taste like toothpaste? But for me, I think mint chocolate chip ice cream is the best ice cream ever made. Tell me what you think. Let me know.
I think it I think my chocolate chip is so good I mean I guess if you really mess it up it can probably be bad though like the worst mint chocolate chip is not good joke chip chocolate chip OK yeah
To be honest made chocolate chip it doesn't really sound appealing but to eat them because one person be like chocolate another person doesn't it's just your taste buds and what you prefer so fucked up
I will say is the worst but obviously not the best I'm a calling me if it's all right it's all right I'm gonna head on it because I do got that good flavor but you can't go wrong with that flavor but it's better
I don't know why people that like men chocolate chip are so passionate about it like y'all are like the Dallas Cowboys fans of ice cream world like y'all will not shut the fuck up about man chocolate chip it's not that
OMG meant chocolate chip is literally my favourite always has been always will be so whoever this girl is you should marry her because she has great taste in ice cream