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Mia Salazar 449d
Mia Salazar
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Gremlin 449d
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Jason 449d
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Stephen Greene
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MasturLucky 449d
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Moral 449d
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Tay 449d
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Jonathan Bytd 449d
Jonathan Bytd
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Alright cool, so I need to know what type of person you guys are. When you game, do you snack? And if so, what do you snack? For me, I can't do it during gaming, but I can just chill and have a bowl of cereal and watch someone play. But me myself, I can't get my fingers dirty and touch the controller. I can't do that personally. But do you?
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I can't snack and game totally because whenever I start eating snacks they're just so good I met him inside like a parrot but honestly I just forgot completely about the fucking game like I just ignore the claim completely and I hate that
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Friends, if it's like a calling game or an intense one. So if it's like an intense one with like combat and that shit, uh, no I wouldn't snack cause I'd be too focused on the game but if it's like a calling game, yeah. I would.
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100% sunships in Arizona.
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Bro I eat in between gaming but like I can't eat like really really crazy shit like that if I were to eat really really greasy shit like pizza or chicken or some shit had to be like last resort like to be like starving out of my mind for some shit
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I'm the same way man, I can't begin my controller all sticky and bicky bruh
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You see, to solve that problem, just like grab something that isn't gonna stay in the controller. Like some gum user shit, that's what I use. Like, not the sour shit, just fucking... and sweet tart ropes, that shit is pretty good.
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Oh yeah, do. I like live upstairs at the fridge up there.
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Of course bro of course I snack a chocolate chip cookies I cinnamon buns do I have full course meals while I'm game and I am a lot that's just me though
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