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Mikey Martin 462d
Mikey Martin
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Jamal Jamal
Emo 462d
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Valkyrie 462d
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Jamal Jamal
Donte Bradley 462d
Donte Bradley
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Tre 462d
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Hdot 462d
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Joshua 462d
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Glow 462d
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Jamal Jamal
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If Joe Biden and Donald Trump were to go Toto at another presidential election who are you voting for and why are you voting for them
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I would vote for Biden again. I would much rather be disappointed than actively enraged.
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Explain why Joe Biden is better.
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People like you are fucking retarded I'm a just be honest with you how the fuck that makes no fucking sense you must've not been in politics because when Donald Trump was in office it was going great she was going awesome bro now look at us bro we were suffering by inflation war all that shit bro you're tweaking bro what are you haunted What the fuck are you on
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Donald Duck because sloppy Joe is the worst he made a willow pod joke
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I swear these fucking white crackers and talking about Joe Biden damn Trump yeah these two are fucking ass OK over here about the Jim Crow about the Native Americans and black people getting overturn of our rights fuck now
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First of all Donald Trump he's going to jail by white whatever the fuck happened but he did now with the Biden over here he's causing a lot of fucking trouble specifically for us people who are cover the Jewish and Scottish and Philippine
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I don't care which ones they can suck my ass I would rather have a horse panic where a black fucking woman to take in charge because no fucking way I'm gonna continue having a whole president that's a white person because you piece of shit continue fucking it up
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Brace this much? You sound slow. The job rates were way higher when Donald Trump was in office. He got set up, it's proven. Come on now.
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Honey if you have any actual proof then show if not stop talking
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Literally just look it up, bro
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Oh bro they're both girls like out I would honestly just move it out of the country but if I have to split should I don't want to say that I have to do Donald Trump Joe Biden this is hell I don't know man
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Neither cause it's time for these goddamn O's to get the fuck on.
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I would only vote for them if they slept with each other made a sex tape and then sent it to me personally so I can distribute it to my liking
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Joe Biden raised the gas prices motherfuckers trying to bang take hug motherfucker talks about chocolate chocolate chip ice cream a fuck a trip he stutters every two seconds and he's a pedophile bra I will go for Tron' back in my hood you
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I just turned 18 so I can actually vote but I think that ass I do some heaviest research and do like pros and cons because I I don't know for some reason this is like hard because Joe Biden showed he's not at the Donald Trump is definitely me
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Neither. The United States is a fucking joke. I'm not gonna waste my time over this shit-hole of a country.
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Why you living here then?
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Born and raised there. The more I grew up, the more I see the United States being fucking stupid, I moved out. I'll only go there, come back there when the time is right, whenever I damn well feel pleased. the United States *****.
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Another reason why you noticed this is a joke I know it's cause Joe Bines office boy bro we were doing just fine with Trump my fuck is scared of us now but now none of we fucking pussies man we had good shit we got good prices on everything good gas prices fucking eggs were two dollars a dozen she not a five I mean I'm shit Donald Trump the best option for America right now bro
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