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Kaden 461d
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Lucas Taylor 461d
Lucas Taylor
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Alyssa Smith 461d
Alyssa Smith
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Kino 461d
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Alex 461d
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Connor Vink 460d
Connor Vink
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Maisy 460d
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Chanel 460d
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Erik Q 460d
Erik Q
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Alright, so I was just thinking. Do you guys prefer cookies with milk or without milk? Just wondering.
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I mean honestly cookies with milk but I'm honestly sometimes that be too lazy to get fucking I mean I will get a bakery dude I see cookie all the time like I don't know man I like it with milk but if I don't have it
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Listen I'm just gonna say it as it is it's the best sweetie yes I am British yes it is a thing but no we do not sound like I would like a cup of tea like all the stereotypes are wrong apart from that one
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I prefer them with milk but they literally sync to the bottom light if I keep it in the milk too long pieces of it sink to the bottom so it makes me drink the milk afterwards
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It doesn't matter. I just it also depends on what type of cookie like Oreo you got to have some Come on They're Oreos my guy, but like other cookies it does not matter
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My God I'm gonna piss myself off I keep clicking the wrong ones I meant with milk But without one is fine I like the dry ones with milk the soft ones
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To be honest, it depends what kind of cookie. If it's Oreos, I honestly hardly can eat them without milk. But soft cookies? They don't eat milk. Why would you put milk in a soft cookie? soft enough.
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Um, Oreos, I would definitely eat with milk. But I don't really know, do we feel like cookies? Mmm. I don't know guys, like a biscuit with milk. Yum yum. Yamege!!!!
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He's with that motherfucking milk the milk in them cookies being different especially in the middle of the night yeah that should be a different different
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It's got to be with milk. If anyone says otherwise, it just doesn't make any sense. That milk, the way it washes it all down, is just... this won't cookies orios yeah
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