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Big daddy saya
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Libbyy 461d
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Anita 461d
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Keiraaa 461d
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Fights n wild ash
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Meadow 461d
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What was the weirdest thing if you did as a child? I am very much curious. And don't miss out all back!
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The first thing I did is I try to be like a boy and that's all that I never saw nobody and so now yeah I talk like a boy please please don't ask me for that shit because I don't know I was it was one it was something I don't I just saw a girl do it
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I just have the stairs was three will totally safe like I was a time and I still eat an apple things I don't know why I think if we could do this by you so I was about the car just pull up his people just swallow them I want to try to eat a penny it's not good
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Hi Sloan a screw a penny and a pin all in one I don't know happened to me because I was like first met but yeah
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The worst thing that ever done was there when I was a baby I stuck my hand on my diaper and there's a poopy diaper and I had to pull my finger so I went up to my dad said open snap my fingers mouth and smooth all against the Chiefs schedule it up
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I don't know, I don't know a lot of weird things, but I can't figure out what's the weirdest
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I did a lot of weird shit when I was a child but the one weird thing I did is I took like my little siblings diapers and I put them on
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