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Evileyes 555d
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Omar Elhabassi
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Dottie 554d
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Jenna Michelle
Obama 554d
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Jaclyn Passaro
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Jenna Michelle
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Jenna Michelle
Max Skelly 549d
Max Skelly
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Mo 549d
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Christina Lemoine
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Damn 548d
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How do you react when someone is lying and you know the truth have you ever experienced it
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I'll smack the fuck out of him.
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You just Gotta laugh
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So I had a roommate once borrow my flat iron and I said like please be careful with this it was really expensive you know but you're welcome to use it. She ended up going out of town and for some reason took it with her, which was really annoying.
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But anyways, like I had bought her this like really gorgeous gold glitter special edition flat iron that I was going to give her for her birthday. It was the same brand. It was very expensive but you know I was hiding it until her birthday.
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Anyways, she got back from out of town and I knew the flat iron was gone because I had looked for it in her room while she was gone. And I was like, oh hey, can I have that flat iron? And she goes, oh, I'll get it. And she runs into her room and then fakes this like, Oh my god, oh what?
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She did this whole elaborate fake out of discovering that it was broken. and gave it back to me, never offered to replace it, never really said sorry, and she lied about what had happened.
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It was really disappointing. I was really looking forward to giving her the glittery one because I know how much she would have liked it, but oh well, I kept it and now I I have my own gold glittery flat iron. I never called her out. It was just like, why bother? I moved out.
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Also, I didn't move out because of the flat iron. There was clearly other issues, but it was just so weird watching someone like make up this whole elaborate thing of like how something broke instead of just like saying like yeah I messed up I broke this. I'm sorry.
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Oops, I guess she broke her own present without even realizing it didn't she? Silly humans. Love and light.
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No fucking lie this shit's cringey as fuck like they're fucking lying to me in my fucking face and I just know the damn truth like bro So, come on now. I don't know, he just gets on my nerves. He makes me want to kill him even more, I'm not gonna lie.
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Ion is it OK for me it depends on who you are because some people it's not worth the confrontation so if I know the truth I just play aloof to it and then fuck them later on
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I feel blessed to have an inner sense and know when people are lying. And sometimes I don't know exactly what they're lying about, but if I do know what they're lying about, I also have the ability to frame a question to back them into the corner to let them know that I'm- know that they're lying. Yeah.
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I'm just saying, don't play with me. Right? You got me fucked up. Just tell me the truth and we'll be best friends. I don't even care. You can say anything. It doesn't matter. It's not a lie.
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I think I genuinely just fucking side laughing the fucking face I just walked off my arch capitalist driving
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I just laugh at them but not like I'm just gonna smile can I just directly look at the ass and I'm like I know everything
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I... it depends on like the situation if it's like subtle subtle like I just like I act all chill with it, but like if I know it and if it's like bad like I'm like oh really
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Sometimes I'll just live by and say I am you're lying but most the time I'll just straight up say I know you lying Yeah
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