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Tawan Weatherford
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Xxxmoonlight 11d
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Melanie Clark
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Yung AB 3d
Yung AB
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Bagleman 2d
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Moydaone 1d
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Asjarene 19h
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Simone 02h
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Honestly, I never use this app because I feel like this app kinda sucks. I mean, the app's ok. It's a very basic app. But, most of the people on this app kinda suck. Like, everyone on here is just mean, or it's like either the most basic stuff that you'd probably see on someones snap story posted on here, or just people trying to troll but they don't know what trolling is so all they're doing is just saying the rudest shit they could think of.
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ain't no way, not Argyle's I don't really know what they got going on out here these vista just twittin' over here i'm out the
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so far i havent seen a, me uh men be that mean to woman until now but uh, shit i've mostly seen men ask other women or just other men or i don't know bro they just ask weird questions on this fucking app bro I had, I had this app a year ago bro I got it back and, bro i kinda regret it already but i kind of like it though if you can... connect with others bro i like this app more than snapchat bro and i had
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They're actually very clean here, I hate them so much.
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uh huh, ahaha
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I feel like that's Holly Rizz though, like, actually, like, being mean is their, like, way sickest girls.
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Um, for me, it's not that men are mean, it's just sometimes they, people just tap back. Um, maybe some people started at first, but like, maybe they're just rude for no reason, I don't know, but I've never got hit for no reason, I don't know. But, um, they're not going to hate on you just because you look like something, they just, maybe they just don't like you. But that doesn't mean, that does not mean just-
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