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DJones 464d
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Anthony Gonzalez
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Tc 463d
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Kym Kral 463d
Kym Kral
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Edward Burke 463d
Edward Burke
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Grand evening you guys it's your girl Queen Donatella clean of soundbites why because I say so Back with one more soundbite for you guys before I turn it in for the night I was on TikTok and there was a live with these people and they have like 13,000 34,000 followers and they were very convinced that everyone knew who they were and I absolutely have no idea who none of these people are do you guys think that social media popularity makes people feel more important than they actually are and if you gain social media popularity what are you doing with it? Please tap in. Thank Thank you.
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Nah, that is definitely true.
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Yes with a motherfucker that was like 5000 followers I have on Dr. Phil in the south talking to mom and shit I don't know if that's a prank or not I will fuck that was but either way it happened that's every time yeah they feel more important that you aren't fucking tarted
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I can just agree with the whole thing like yeah people are just sheep they follow who leads
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The social media popularity make people feel more important I don't know yeah I think it definitely gives them more validation but also who cares if it makes people feel more important good I don't feel important
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Yeah, probably. I would think so, don't you?
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