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Alex Hearn 462d
Alex Hearn
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Pneuma Reed 462d
Pneuma Reed
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Pneuma Reed 462d
Pneuma Reed
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Pneuma Reed 462d
Pneuma Reed
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If you saw me in person OK and I seen a lot of these as I'd like that like the rate me one through 10 thing but I'm not doing that and don't write me I might get my feelings hurt but if you were to see me like if we were on the road walking and he was walking away and I was on your way and you saw me would you any think I was weird would you be think I look cool or chill This is an argument between me and my friend cause I got called IMO so yeah
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I think you look cool.
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shut your bitch ass up what the fuck you gonna do what's up what's up with it what's up with it really you wanna you wanna fight what's up Draw me the ad. I love my sister beat you. I can't beat you because I'm a man.
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No, I don't I ain't want to start no drama. I apologize for the way I act But fuck you bitch
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